A global distributor of precision measurement tools



The TESA Micro-Hite height gage by Brown & Sharpe is used in all kinds of metrology and a number of different industries. Mainly, these include automobile, moulds and tooling, medical, or plasturgy industries. In the automobile industry, height gages might be used to measure injection systems, brake systems, or engine components to ensure quality and precise design. The complexity and exactitude involved in moulds and tooling requires an excellent machine such as the Brown & Sharpe height gage. These height gages are vital to measuring various molds and tools that are then used to create millions of copies of different foods, aeronautics, cosmetics, etc. The standards set within the medical field are very high, and the controlled nature of medical devices and tools is very strict, since their eventual use involves high risks and high rewards. Brown & Sharpe height gages are built for excellence, and come equipped with the high-level analytic capabilities, regulatory compliance, and measurement precision that are imperative to the medical industry. The variability of plastic development and the regularity of product within the plasturgy industry is the perfect place to see the Brown & Sharpe height gage shine. This tool has the validity and stability that is essential to all processes in working with plastics.

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